Cursed Night is turn-based grid-based tactics horror game where you must defend and manage your home as it is under siege by unspeakable horrors during a blizzard. 

After discovering your partner having been brutally killed in the kitchen, you race to find your trusty axe and shotgun before investigating what's happening. Survive as long as possible by keeping the lights on, the fire going, and the windows boarded up to keep the creatures at bay.

How To Play

In Cursed Night you will alternate taking turns controlling your character battling the hordes of the night. On your turn you may perform up to three of the following actions, by pressing their corresponding key:

  1. Move
     Move your character to any highlighted square by clicking on it. The red highlighted square is the square you will move to
  2. Axe
    Attack a square adjacent to you with your Axe by clicking one of the highlighted tiles. Lower damage, but can be used indefinitely.
  3. Shotgun
    Shoot your shotgun, hitting all highlighted squares. Place the cursor on an adjacent tile to see the hittable squares, and then click to fire. Big damage output, but your ammo is limited and you will have to reload after each shot!
  4. Reload
    Reload your shotgun to shoot again. Activate by clicking any of the red highlighted squares next to your character.
  5. Interact
    There are several objects to interact with in Cursed Night. When selecting this ability, interactable objects will become outlined and the square underneath them highlighted. Interact with them by standing next to them and clicking the red square.


Each of these can be interacted with by standing next to them and using your Interact ability. Some require a certain state to be useful.

Doorway - All rooms

Transition between rooms to explore the house.

Fireplace - Living Room

When the fire is out, you will have a limited number of turns before your warmth runs out and you will begin to take damage each turn. Gather Firewood from the back yard to start the fire once it's out.

Wood Station - Back Yard

Gather Firewood here for use on the fire.

Circuit Breaker - Basement

When the power goes out, you'll want to turn it back on by flipping the breaker.

Stove - Kitchen

Heal damage and take respite in having some delicious soup. It won't be ready to eat all the time, so check back periodically.

Dresser - Bedroom

You'll find extra ammo here, stock up when you're running low.

Windows - All rooms

The horrors of the night can come in through the windows. Fix them using repair kits gathered at your workbench in the basement.

Workbench - Basement

Make up some repair kits to fix broken windows and slow the onslaught!

Medicine Cabinet - Bathroom

Provides a big heal, but only once!


Using existing code from another prototype, Cursed Night was made in 10 days for Scream Jam 2021 by:

Sean Fitzpatrick - @seanxfitz - Engineering

Ryan Carey - @rdvrc - Artwork

hitscan - @xnicklawler - Music

Known Issues / Bugs

- Very occasionally a door will become unusable because the space it leads to has become blocked.


Download 47 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run Cursed Night.exe


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nice rpg :D